Monday, August 19, 2013

Southwestern Law School LL.M. Program

LLM students on at Southwestern Law School, in Los Angeles, California, get the added advantage of studying in a first rate city with beautiful things to do.

                                         The first is at Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles

 the second is from a tour of Hollywood

                                            and the third is at the Getty Museum in Malibu!

For baseball fans,  LL.M. Students can also catch the Dodger games.

See the LL.M. website for Southwestern for more information.

You can also learn more about LLM programs at
Learn about applications for LLM programs at
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1 comment:

  1. Another great post by Legal-ease LLM blog. I must say, this is becoming one of my favorite schools so far on my list. I would love to explore Hollywood and attend Dodgers games. Just seems like an overall relaxed college, and I like relaxed.
